Quotation Request

Insurance Backed Guarantee

Client Details
Risk Details
General Questions


Are you an Agent?

This form should be completed on behalf of the contractor that will be responsible for issuing the written guarantee that the required insurance policy will be backing. If you are not the contractor you can copy the link below and pass it to the contractor.


What is your name?
What is your email address?

Client Details



Contractor Details

Company Name
Is the Contractor Address the same as the Proposer Address?
Registered Number
Trade Body Member

Risk Details

Beneficiary of Contractor's Guarantee

Do you know the Beneficiary Address?
Is the Beneficiary Address the same as the Proposer Address?

Risk Address

Details of the premises where the contract is being undertaken
Is the Risk Address the same as the Proposer Address?
Type of Premises
No. of Storeys Above Ground
No. of Storeys Below Ground

Contract Details

The total sum insured should represent the total cost of replacement/rebuild of the Insured Works. This should include items such as access, enabling, etc., even if these did not form part of the original contract.
Contract Value (incl. VAT)
Access Costs (e.g. scaffolding)
Enabling Works/Debris Removal/Professional Fees
Total Sum Insured
Start Date
If the Start Date is unknown please provide an estimated Start Date
Completion Date
If the Completion Date is unknown please provide an estimated Completion Date
Have the works already commenced?
What was the reason that a warranty was not arranged prior to start on site?
Description of Works
Please provide as much detail as possible
Is roofing included?
Number of roofs?

Materials and Design

Is the product BBA certified?
Do the installers have a minimum of 5 years experience in installing these or similar products?
Is the installer an approved installer for the product manufacturer?
Who designed the Works?

Cover Required

Please select which type of cover is required
More than one option can be selected

General Questions

During the last three years have you carried out repair work due to defective workmanship or materials that you have installed previously?
Please provide more details
Does the contractor have any County Court Judgments against it in the last 5 years?
Please provide more details
Have you or any other director, principal or partner of the proposer been personally declared bankrupt, entered into an individual voluntary arrangement, involved in a company that has been, or is due to be declared bankrupt, ceased trading or entered into any form of liquidation?
Please provide more details
Have you or has any director, principal or partner of the proposer ever been convicted or is there any prosecution pending for any offence involving dishonesty of any kind?
Please provide more details
Have you or has any director, principal or partner of the proposer ever been convicted or is there any prosecution outstanding under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 or Consumer Protection Act 1987?
Please provide more details
Have you or has any director, principal or partner of the proposer ever been declined an application for the supply of insurance backed guarantees or had membership from any insurance backed guarantee provider cancelled?
Please provide more details
In relation to the property and/or development being proposed, are there any known circumstances or defects that may, or are likely to, give rise to a claim or have been the subject of a previous claim or remediation works?
Please provide more details

Terms & Conditions of Application

You understand that details of the risk proposed will be passed to our panel of insurers and may then be passed on to a 3rd party surveying company. You understand that the insurers will receive an Electronic Report Summary (The Output) of the Limited Company, its Directors' personal credit file or for non-limited entities its Proprietor/Partners' personal credit file.You are aware that the search footprint retained by the credit reference agency in respect of the credit search made will show that a credit/identity check has been performed. You consent the search footprint to be retained by the credit reference agency in respect of a search made and will read as having been made by the insurer. You understand that the insurers have a valid reason for this search, this being ascertaining the suitability for an insurance backed guarantee.You understand that the Output will be treated as confidential and will be used solely by Building and Land Guarantees Ltd and the insurer. You confirm that by signing below you understand and agree to these terms and conditions of application.


Please confirm the below statement is true

